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Contact Congress: Creation of an investment tax credit for renewable energy storage systems

Solar and wind electricity supply is variable and needs to be firmed with power from fast-responding combustion turbine power plants.
Help ASAP get the message to Congress by e-mailing your Congressional representatives.
Thank you for e-mailing both your U.S. Senators and U.S. House Representative.
1 Personalize your message:
  Congresspersons pay more attention to personalized messages. You also may wish to add a personalized greeting or signature line.
  You can copy and paste from these textboxes into your messages.
  If you are offered a choice of subjects on the linked websites, please select "Energy".
  Suggested Subject: Please create an investment tax credit for renewable energy storage systems
  Suggested Message: Dear Congressperson, I call upon the U.S. Congress to create a 20% investment tax credit for renewable energy storage systems. 1) Solar and wind electricity supply is variable and needs to be firmed with power from fast-responding combustion turbine power plants. 2) Effective firming will allow more complete use of available solar and wind resources, and will reduce loads on transmission lines. Thank you for acting on this important issue to help build a strong, energy secure America!
2 Contact your Senators:
  Follow the instructions on the linked page to contact your Senators.
  Contact Senators   
3 Contact your Representative:
  Follow the instructions on the linked page to contact your Representative.
  You will need to look up your specific Representative to obtain contact information.
  Contact Representative   

Explanation of why this page works as it does:
Members of Congress take their e-mail seriously, but they need to know it was generated by a real person and not by a computer program. That is why it usually is necessary to contact them through their websites.
We've provided an area to compose your message and links to the appropriate sites to assist you as much as possible with this process.